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The Manipulation of the

Black Woman.


It seems there is little Black women can do without criticism from somewhere in the peanut gallery.


The latest disapproval is hair.


God forbid a Black woman wear extensions because wearing extensions is a clear indication of a Black woman who does not love herself... Chris Rock's film CONTINUES to reverberate in the minds of everyone who watched it - YES, it was out over five  years ago - and if there is a Black woman who did not watch the Chris Rock, Good Hair, movie, well, it is probably because she is in denial and does not love her self.


Shall we start the discussion of STRAIGHTENING hair?


Unless, the Black woman is sporting the all-natural look of one style or another, the black woman PROCESSING her hair is brainwashed by the White ideal of beauty and - you guessed it - doesn't love her self.


There are more reasons than days in the year accusing, WE, Black women of not loving ourselves: we are firm and no nonsense, too caring and over-friendly; we are loud as well as passionate, not to mention TOO open with our desires. We are sexy, religious, hardworking, determined; our partner is white; we don't sound Black; we're not smart enough, too smart for our own good; we straighten our hair; we bleach our skin - GOD HELP US, we're wearing coloured contact lenses - (sigh) why doesn't everyone just leave us alone?


Our sisters from other ethnicities seem able to do whatever they want. No one accuses them of self-hate: baking in the sun sounds like a form of torture no human should endure. THEY ware extensions, too because they want a full head of hair with length and body. Did anyone notice women of other ethnicities "bleaching," too? They do. The fact that they bleach just is not blasted across  media channels like the first arrival of aliens - Aliens would receive better understanding. And what about our co-hearts WITH straight hair, STRAIGHTENING THEIR HAIR!  Where is the  documentary about the COSTS of THAT futility making THOSE women look foolish? Other women arrive at their stylists every six weeks only to have THEIR hair tugged and pulled and chemically processed and treated - they spend oodles of cash! Why are THEY not shamefully exposing their selves before a camera? Because THEY are considered diligent and showing self-pride.


Guess what. Black women are people - just like everyone else.

We WANT to belong as well as be recognized and appreciated. We wish for love, acceptance, support, understanding and don't hate ourselves ANY MORE than the next person.


The point is: Black women feel what all people feel. Black ideal, Asian ideal, White ideal there really IS NO ideal.


Give us a break; cut us some slack.


No human should reach the IDEAL placed upon the Black woman. Show me a human with a perfect disposition, and I will show you a highly evolved - liar.


The next time your child asks a question making her sound anti-Black or research is presented that is not the cure for cancer, just take it with a grain of salt. EVERYONE has insecurities, challenges, and community issues. Don't add to a Black woman's struggle by making her the one with the most challenging existence. Please. Take it from a sistah, we have more than enough going on.

We wish for love, acceptance, support, understanding and don't hate ourselves ANY MORE than the next person.

No human should reach the IDEAL placed upon the Black woman.

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