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STOP Dieting! START  EATing for LIFE.
It's all in Your Mind.

What's going on in the food industry these days?


Many are the claims made about our food which only seem to lead to confusion: this is gluten-free, made with stavia, low fat, 0 calories, soy - NO SOY! What are they talking about? And What does it all mean?


Take the most recent advertisement from A&W, for example. Recall their beef promotion,"Raised

without the use of hormones or steroids?"

When you watch the commercials they mention

no ADDED hormones or steroids. Well, hold up. Steroids ARE hormones, aren't they? So, why mention hormones twice - only differently? Maybe because the word 'steroids' conjures images of an iron pumping, Arnold Schwarzenegger type cow; and WHO, in her right mind, would want to eat a STEROID laden cow - right? But, here's the fact: whether farmers ADD hormones to their cattle or not, BY LAW, NO TRACES of said hormone can exist in beef for consumption. So, though, more farmers than not ADD hormones to their cattle (to increase the speed with which feed is converted to muscle, helping the animal more efficiently gain weight thus reducing the overall costs of farming the animals - and your payout at the till), YOU, as a consumer, will not (should not?) be effected (except of course, by the NATURAL hormones which occur in all animals... you know, like we humans produce).


So, why even mention hormones? Like Loblaws who features chicken with no antibiotics or hormones  (when NO BODY'S chicken has antibiotics or hormones as regulated by law). Fear mongering, maybe? Advertising ploys to blind side the already confused consumer? In other words, maybe they are messing with your mind!













                                                                            baked jerk chicken with sweet potato fries - also baked - and a avocado dressed salad - yes! you see A FEW beacon pieces added in there.


Companies know consumers are busy people, juggling many demands in life. They also know, the average consumer is so taxed, you are challenged keeping up with the latest trend, but, want to be healthy. So, companies throw buzz phrases at you to "encourage" the purchase

of their products. They actually have scientists in their little labs, advertisers brainstorming around board tables, doctors and lawyers in the wait... all deciding HOW best to TAKE your hard earned dollars.


We know, business is business and it's all about the bottom line, but, why play with the minds of the consumers?


Well, we are here to set the record straight. And we are going to keep this Eating for Life change to THREE simple FACTS - not

distorted truths to manipulate or scare, but, truths simply to inform and live by.


ONE: Your body is an incredibly intricate, high-functioning, organism that requires life sustaining fuel to maintain it.

Two: Because this organism, known as your body, is so exquisitely well run, in most cases, it will operate at an exceptional level, even if/when fed inefficiently. It will operate for a longer period of time than is logical, quite frankly; some of us make it well into our middle age before experiencing body "issues."

Three: You decide for how long and how well this incomparable machine will run at its greatest capacity. You decide this by feeding it well (with ALL fresh, land bearing, foods - showing restraint with some of our FERMENTED fruits, vegetables and grains, if you know what we mean) or by starving it of vital life-sustaining nourishment (with fast, deep fried, chemically processed food from a box, bag, bottle or can!)


We know it is easier to grab a meal in a box then throw it in the microwave and go. We understand feeding a family, while on the run, is faster, tearing open a bag and stuffing it in your child's hand. Complete empathy to those JUST NOT IN THE MOOD TO COOK or TOO HUNGRY TO WAIT, hustling through the fast food line up to eat in five minutes. But, here's the fact: It's not good enough. YOU and your family are worth more than "the time, energy or money" it will take to eat NUTRITIOUSLY.


Evidence shows, EATING GOOD FOODS ALLOWS your body to run exceptionally (not just efficiently). This research indicates high efficiency fucntioning well into your senior years. Read about our Blue Zone counter parts across the globe, for more details - if you need more details!


This lifestyle change may prove challenging, initially, but, once the alternative is considered, eating fabulous vegetables, grains, nuts, berries, fruit and fish REALLY is a great plan! The best part is, after a period of replacing chemically, contrived foods with life sustaining substitutes YOUR cravings will change. The chemicals inside your brain will actually correct itself, desiring the nutritious fuel instead of the processed, chemically produced copies you have been duped into consuming. The unfortunate reality is, not enough of us give our bodies or our brains enough time to confirm this testimony.


 It is never too late for change. There is no such thing as "cheating," "slipping," or "falling off the wagon". Eating for Life is an ONGOING process that begins with the first step of incorporating more GREENS into your daily routine - eat a ROMAINE lettuce salad, for example. Include: an avocado, strip of beacon with LOTS of red onions, apple cider vinegar to taste, sea salt (our fave is any Himalayan variety) and black pepper - maybe a dash or three of sesame oil. Throw in anything you like - chocolate cookies even! Just get that green into your routine - half a head per meal - until you crave it more than a bag of chips or a triple layer chocolate, chocolate chip cake!


Reject the hype - ALL OF IT. Remember the THREE FACTS and RE-TRAIN your brain. EAT to Live. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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