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So Nice We Had to feature them in two's!





This wine's got six pack pecs beneath its country club polo.

Clark Kent in a suit, this wine will save any dinner party from the

evil Dr. Borington. Just keep an

eye on your girlfriends, lads!


...or so the website says. We?

Well with us, it's simple - we

simply want to marry these wine makers so we have access to this blend ANY TIME WE WANT! Better than a luxurious massage, delicious food, time with the

girls... forget the makers, we'll

just marry the wine. Here's to 'Til death us do part!'



Everyone's new friend. So fun, refreshing, happy to go anywhere and gets along with any crowd. Heck, she'll even make your wine snob friends crack a smile.

Speck Boys - you got this RIGHT!

12.95 for the Red and 11.95 for the white

These prices are CRAZY!!!

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