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 YOU and Time

In order to appreciate what occurred in our past, it is important to understand the timeline of human life.

In this issue, we break human timeline down as simply as possible so when we mention periods in which various empires existed, it will be clear when they occurred in history - approximately anyway.

Human timeline is separated in two parts: BC and AD, each part beginning the count with the number 1.

BC stands for Before Christ.
BCE is also used referring to the same period of time.
BCE (for those who refuse referring to Christ - or any religious identifier - as a standard marking of human existence) stands for Before Common Era. Common Era is an alternate, secular, naming of AD.

AD stands for Anno Domini. Anno Domini is Midievil Latin for: "in the year of the Lord, " referring, of course, to  Christ's birth, his teachings up to his crucifixion, resurrection, and time  to present day. So, AD, Anno Domini references the number of years since Jesus' birth - the number of years we have existed in the year of our lord. To some, AD stands for After Death - after the death of Jesus Christ - but that meaning is INCORRECT.

WHY the original references to Christ (Christianity)? Why is the world's marking of time identified either before the existence of Christ or after ? Well, the BC and AD terms, were established by a monk who was directed by Pope Paul I to establish "the correct date" for Easter.  Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Little's) explained calculations and set dates for Easters became the Gregorian calendar. This calendar was established during the rule of the Roman empire. Like its most popular predecessor, the Julian calendar established by Julius Caesar, this calendar helped stem the confusion created from having many calendars establishing festivals and a year numbering system.  The Gregorian calendar method of calculations also kept the calendar year in line with the seasons (as opposed to the method of calculations from the Julian calendar  which had March 1 occurring in winter every four years as opposed to consistently coming up in Spring).



Other mentions related to time measurement should be noted, such as, YA.

YA stands for "Years Ago." 

You guessed it!


Often, in reference to 20, 000 or more years ago, the BC (or BCE / BP - which is sometimes used for Before Present) are merely dropped for the easier mention of the approximate time ago... we say "approximate" because, obviously, humans did not record "dates" in cave drawings; ancient African cultures relied (and rely to this day) upon oral (story telling) of history. So, arriving at a specific moment in time is almost impossible as well as (probably for the time) unnecessary. One did not need to identify a specific date in order to share community ideas and activities. The purpose of messages during this period was (likely) akin to modern day generations "posting " on social media - sharing what is currently taking place in their lives and their community.


Some argue it was 30,000 YA the actual dating system began as our foreparents observed seasonal changes and or migration/ birthing cycles of creatures in order to pay homage through celebrations, thus establishing customs. The oldest form of stone calendars was discovered in middle Africa, recognizing the summer solstice, from around 7000 BC.  This need to record also became more necessary with the rise and fall of community leaders through the centuries, as well as recording leadership roles and expectations.  


An important fact to retain is, during the time of creating our current calendars  in order to  RECORD historic occurrences, the Catholic church was the record writer and KEEPER of history. This fact is important to keep in mind for future references about the power / influence of The  (Catholic) Church.




Another factor necessary to understanding human history is to know the full and complete history of humanity. History began LONG before the Roman Empire. Many associations educating the public on Ancient history begin at 4000 BC (if lucky). Recognitions are made about North America at 4000 BC but AFRICAN mentions begin some 2000 years later! It is that missing link about Africa - ya know going back to the FIRST civilizations on the planet? - it is THAT link which is necessary to share the complete tale of humans.



Below is a human timeline dating from a fuller recorded history. As more and more information/ discoveries are made regarding the launching pad of humans, this timeline will expand as we delve further into the detail of these new scientific findings.

Homo sapiens living in Southern and Eastern Africa
The first human migration out of Africa. Pygmy ethnicity.
Ancient Tool workshop near South Sudan. Oldest evidence of commerce and industry
Writing  on Ostrich Eggs
Western Cape SA
(Oldest) use of mathematics
Nubia has ceremonial Burials, pottery usage, religious practices, domestication and animal worship or sacrifice
The Sahara becomes lush.
Migration from Nile to Sahara
Sahara drying.
Settlers disburse: (some to Sudan desert/ return to Nile).
Large ships in Lower Nile demonstrates
Maritime culture for commerce.
Megalith structures including Horemekhet and stone circles (predating Stonehenge 2000 years) are constructed
Stone calendars appear tracking summer solstice.
Use of astronomical devices. .

BC    AD

2000,000 -150,000 YA       70,000 YA          60,000 YA             20,000             13,000               10,000             9000-5500

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