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How do you leave the house if you are dashing to the grocery store with only a small window to return home? Must your hair be coiffed? Make up immaculate? Clothes off the hanger from Saks Fifth Avenue? Maybe you are a sweats, sweat top, and sandals kind of gal...

Whatever your choice, here is what your style says about you.


Snap decisions are made everyday, throughout the day. How one is dressed packs an opinion in a matter of seconds. A Psychology Today article shared that not only does dressing for success (custom suit vs. off the rack suit) look more appealing to the viewer, it lends the opinion that the wearer is more confident, successful, flexible and wealthy (well duh, what other type of person can afford a custom made suit). In addition, women in high status jobs were expected and assumed to be more competent when dressing more modestly than if they did not. The difference between modest and immodest were only slight - a skirt two inches above the knees verse two inches below, for example, or the second button undone on a blouse vs. that button closed!


Research shows that such judgments may stem from early judgments learnt in childhood.

Children as young as three years old made equally snap judgments about trustworthy vs. mean faces during research tests. These children's judgments rated almost parallel to their adult counterparts participating in the same research!


But that's what OTHERS think about the way you dress; what does your style say about you?


Well, it's simple really.

For the buttoned-up, well-coiffed make-up clad Ms., you know what's best and like your life organized as well as polished - or at least you want it to SEEM that way ('cause you know in you head, you are about as CRAZY as they come!). You may need to do yourself a favour and ease up in life just a little tiny bit... but then, again, you know that already, don't you?


As for the sweats and clogs (with the scarf, hat, cap or toque covering the madness on top of her head) gal, you... well, you just don't care - or have time to care, really. You have things to do and NO time to wonder who's looking at you and what they could POSSIBLY be thinking about your retro, hobo, hippy interpretation... but maybe you can rein it in enough to give money to the homeless instead of misrepresenting yourself as one... but, we know you will... once you make some time to do so.


Now for the woman in between, pick a side, already! You cannot be ducking, hiding and playing it safe for the REST OF your life, can you? Well, of course you can, but, why would you want to? You must leave folks something shocking - some sorted detail to whisper about you once you are gone and they are gathered in your name.


A life time of mischief is unnecessary  - just one juicy tidbit to send you off in style, is all you need


Three words of advice: make it good!

Longer HEALTHIER Lashes!


Notice your lashes are looking a tad sparse? Crooked? Thinning? Maybe you are just tired of the mascara battle of finding that perfect one to suit your lashes?

A friend lamented about her most recent purchase of mascara: "I put it on and my lashes practically blinded me with every blink. I don't need lashes like a kewpie doll. I'm approaching my sixties! All I want is a little oomph!"

I felt bad because she was right. Gone are the days of purchasing just regular mascara to give the lashes that little punch. Now a days, if you want mascara (which I don't. I prefer to make my own TRULY natural blend), you must accept Voluminous, Luscious, PLUMPING options - what the heck are "Plumped" lashes???

What is a woman - long past the stage of batting her lashes to the aisle - going to do?

Well, did you know your eyelids could use a massage, as much as your body? In fact, some people massage their eyelids daily as opposed to the recommended two to three times per week. Why? This practice stimulates your lash follicles which promotes healthy, stronger lashes.

So, if you are like my friend who simply wants some healthy, strong lashes - with a little bit of tadaw! Here is some advice:

  •     If you wear makeup. ALWAYS REMOVE, THOROUGHLY. Makeup will actually clog the pores around your lashes. Clogged pores obviously means... sad looking lashes (if you are lucky); infected eyes (if you are unlucky). Ensure your face is refreshingly clean before you hit the sack

  •   Whether you wear makeup or not, a regular routine of CLEANING, MASSAGING and CARING for your eyes is a must. The daily grime of the day may be something you pay little attention to, but, being mindful of the day to day toil dust, dirt, lint, can have on you eyes (trapped by your lashes) will be advantageous to you.

You know how you clean, tone and moisturizer your face (expending some or much effort on those crows feet, bags and/or dark circles?) Well, your lids should be added to the routine - even if it is a nothing routine like mine which involves a GENTLE exfoliation with a dry facecloth as I step into the shower, and a LIGHT application of vasoline, to hold moisture, after the shower.


All you are going to do is:


  1. swipe across you upper lashes from the outer corner to your nose

  2. then do the reverse to the bottom lashes, swiping from your nose to the outer corner of your eye.

  3. Make fifteen to twenty passes.

I have actually made this a practice  before washing my face, in an attempt to dislodge whatever particles are ensnared by my lashes.... maybe because I am a tad compulsive, I swipe above as well as underneath my lashes... (even at work during a particularly long bout on the computer or dusty day outside, I take a moment to clean as well as massage my eyes). Remember to keep your eyes closed! Having had a particle fall from my lashes into my eye, I learnt that lesson the hard way (though I proved the effort effective).

That is the cleaning and massaging part of this advice, as for the caring, this will depend upon your desires i.e. do you want to grow or strengthen your lashes or do you want to add colour or keep lashes healthy?

Personally, I believe dying, eyelash extensions and false eye lashes are SIMPLY a bad idea (as bad as false nails and wearing hair extensions too often or for too long). These options should refrain from being options to avoid your natural self (beneath all that) being damaged. Just as hair extensions will pull on your hair root (sometimes tearing it from your head), so would false eyelashes tear skin from your lid - taking good, healthy lashes with it! There is also the glue from the eyelash extensions and false eyelashes - and ingredients in the dye - that could lead to a reaction and or clogging of pores, causing inflammation and or infection.

Why take the risk?

We want to minimize the factors that could cause harm which means keeping things within your control, natural. You cannot control the environment - immediately, anyway - but, YOU DO CONTROL what you put in as well as on your body!

Aloe Vera, vitamin E and natural oils like: coconut, olive, avocado, sesame, burdock, castor and sweet almond are wonderful for adding nourishment your lashes, encouraging strong, healthy lashes.


This routine is the same for all oils:


  • From the root of the lash to the tip, swipe a tiny, TINY (I put way too much castor oil on my lashes when I first began this practice and swore I had blinded myself for a good couple of weeks before the oil film FINALLY left my eye! AVOID doing that).

  • Dab a Q-tip into your oil, picking up only a tiny amount for both eyes.

  • Place onto a CLEAN finger tip.

  • Gently swipe upward for the upper lashes and downward for the lower lashes (I prefer using the plump pad of my finger tip than a cotton swab or cloth to avoid lint from these items getting into my eye... but that could just be my compulsive tendency, again.

  • Ensure equal spread across  lashes - if there is too much wipe off with the back of your clean hand or another finger!

  • Sleep with this on.

  • Wash with warm water in the morning (this is another great opportunity to massage the eye with the twenty quick swipes across the top and bottom lash lines).


I have noticed straighter, lashes that seemed to fall out less.


NOTE: if you have sensitivities to any of the oils - some people do - STOP USING THEM, IMMEDIATELY!




Spring Ready

In 10


So it's Spring. Now What?


  1. Time to get the garden growing. Spring is the perfect time for new beginnings, right? So help the early buds you have growing spread their foliage in preparation of their bloom. Clear their surroundings of extra fall debris. Don't go crazy - yet - that is what summer is for, but, those leaves collecting in the corners, around the garbage bins, over the buds should be pulled back and scooped up for yard waste pick up - if you are the lucky folks not covered in snow. Wisterias can be cut to their second or third bud (March 15th seems to mark the magical day for this), and (again, if it is warm enough) those (tulip, daffodil or crocus) bulbs you forgot to plant in the fall (or have been waiting to plant on in the patio garden) could go in any day now.

  2. Spring is a perfect time to clean those windows (unless, of course, your cleaning solution will freeze in the cloth). Few things are better than the sun peering in through near invisible glass.

  3. Speaking of wardrobe - aren't we always? Time to start thinking about the spring fashion. Those cute pastel cardigans you have been itching to sport are waiting patiently to wrap around you. Those slacks or that blouse you have had in the "sewing pile" need to be sewed or disposed (of). And go ahead... slip on those new shoes you bought online... they are the perfect pair(s?) for this time of year.

  4. Lastly, how about you? Has the winter left you a tad... out of shape? Get your workout routine in order. While you are planning your routine, do twenty-five high knee lifts, arm lifts and tummy crunches in three sets. Feel the sweat and picture yourself in that perfect summer outfit.

  5. If you are working on the body trim, you might as well organize those salad and smoothie recipes you've been wanting to try this season. How about a new one every two weeks? Challenge yourself.

  6. Get friends on board - avoid doing all this alone. Get a few strangers together and start a club even!

  7. So, your garden looks good, the extra garbage gone; did you clear your eavestrough? Windows are clean; your wardrobe is ready. Your "Trim Time" routine is set, along with fabulous salad and smoothie ideas you've traded with pals... this is it, the big moment you've worked so hard for - time to pamper yourself. Get that early gardening dirt from beneath your nails, fill the tub with special bubbly, step in, and relax.

  8. Take a deep breath.

  9. Feel the peace and bubble of excitement for spring in your belly.

  10. Enjoy it. It's been a long winter (even if it was nicer than usual). THIS is what you have been waiting for... make it great.

Queenie Brown Magazine

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