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Summer Edition   2016

for Today's Real Woman

Queenie Brown


O.kay, first of all what IS cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy,fatty substance "vital for every living animal." It is found in your body's cells and is the building block to some hormones, vitamin D and substances that help digest foods to build and maintain strong bones, muscles, organs etc.

Cholesterol is made by your body - particularly your liver - and "taxied" through the blood stream in "lipoproteins."

There are five types of these lipoproteins that transports cholesterol (protein,triglyceride and phospholipids). They are HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), chylomicrons, VLDL (Very Low Density) and IDL (Intermediate Density). These five lipoproteins carry their hosts in varying proportions, conducting varying functions.

​LDL carries cholesterol throughout the system, dropping it off where it can be used for cell metabolism. HDL removes cholesterol from tissues and transports it (back)to the liver (which disposes it as bile acids). The cholesterol dropped off but not used, travels through the bloodstream and "stores"
as plaque in arteries... hence the LDL "Bad Cholesterol" title (even though it is not a cholesterol, it is a lipoprotein carrying cholesterol). But, we know, plaque creates blockage which leads to heart attacks or strokes. Hence the hysteria, and the introduction of "cholesterol reducing" medications we know as "statins."

So, you go to the doctor, s/he tests your cholesterol level, there you have it - you have "high "cholesterol." Now you are on the statin train.

​.. This might be a great time to mention, statins are the "most widely-prescribed medicines in the industrialized world today — and the most profitable, representing BILLIONS!

How's Your Cholesterol?

​of dollars a year in profits to the drug industry."


Did you know that?


Fret not, there are professionals fighting the hysteria.

One such professional speaking up, is Zoe Harcombe, PhD. She believes "we have cholesterol all wrong."


She claims, first of all, the blood test for cholesterol is flawed, as it only tests a fraction of what is cholesterol. Remember the five lipoproteins carrying various proportions of cholesterol and other substances? Well only the HDL is measured while the LDL is estimated (and the "other" lipoproteins, are whole other tests) See more discussion here.


Secondly, Zoe believes even if one COULD measure one's ENTIRE levels of Cholesterol, the only normal to be measured against should be one's own. i.e what's normal for you may not be for another. And until you measure your levels all your life, you have nothing comparable... keeping in mind there are many other variables that make this measure impossible!




LEARN MORE OF ZOE'S "NORMAL" well as her thoughts on statins!

FROM:Heart Natural Care website


with TRACY Reese - AGAIN!


If this one time head of Women’s Portfolio for Perry Ellis is good enough for Michelle - Obama that is - she's got our vote!

Known for her feminine, bohemian, full colour flare, Tracy (who's been her own label since '98) CONTINUES to impress.

This year, at Queenie Brown, we just cannot get enough of her!


With that said, be prepared to get MORE Tracy Reese in the upcoming issues! We've had a peek at the fall line, and we can't WAIT to share!

If you wanna see more check this out.

Get to Know YOUR Peeps

The Continent of Africa is surrounded by salt water. The Indian Ocean borders it on the east, and the Atlantic is on the west. These two oceans marry at the the southern tip of the Continent. 


Africa is a

vast (largest

behind Asia)


covering a

space of

over 30


km2 -

the size of

the US, China,


Mexico, Peru,

France, Spain,

Papua New





Norway, Italy,

New Zealand,




and Greece

put together!


As one glances

most maps of

the world,

Africa looks

barely larger

than South

America, is

smaller than

North America and TINY compared to Asia. Well, Asia, as the largest Continent of the seven, warrants a large land mass illustration. Africa, should not, though, quiver at the mass of North America and hold it's own with South America and Europe.































Though North America follows Africa closely as the third largest Continent, South

America is almost HALF the size of Africa(so on a map of accurate reporting, Africa should look almost twice as BIG as South America). As for Europe, Africa is THREE times its land mass - not even near its equal!


Europe does comes close in population, holding about three quarters of Africa's one billion. With that said, Africa is home to twice the number of people as is North America and almost three times that of South America.



Now that you have WRAPPED your mind around the enormity of this Continent, try to grasp the meager numbers that began - the now - population explosion within Africa of a BILLION people! 


Who were these people?


We have briefly discussed the Sub Saharan people who developed largely independently. In spite of the the desert separating them from North Africa, due to the domestication of animals - oxen and camels - allowing for travel across the Sahara, trade was very successful.


As trade increased this lead to sharing of information and improved agricultural techniques which , of course, supported more sophisticated societies. These societies lead to the early civilizations.


Before continuing, let us remember that in spite of newly discovered evidence of ancient African civilizations, such as organized fishing expeditions (North Eastern (Zaire) Congo)taking place some 90,00 YEARS ago or evidence of arithmetic (near Lake Edward also Congo)25, 000 years old or evidence of Ancient Africans mummifying their dead,(South Western Lybia) 9,000 years ago - long before Egypt existed, ancient records of these civilizations were either destroyed (by rivals/ conquers), buried over the centuries, unreadable or stored away by households until the time they are discovered.


Imagine the challenge of records surviving 20, 000, 12, 000 even 3, 000 years. But, they are out there. Some of these evidence are on cave walls or ostrich eggs, as we have learned. Scientists are also, finally, realizing the value of oral history passed forward to the descendant. Stories that the ancients knew were crucial to their existence, that was/ is a ritual and system refined through cultural dance, song, and leaders of the community.


The Khoisan (with an origin dating back tens of thousands of years)are one such people of Southern Africa. They  are a people that share some specific physical and linguistic characteristics, divided into two cultural groups: the hunter gatherers known as the San people, or Bushmen,

and the livestock raising (aka

pastoral) people, Known as Khoi.

These are one of the oldest known

"families" in Africa linking ancient

to modern people.


Notice how their names make one.

These are our original people;

connection to our past,

answers to our future if we

dare look.


The Khoisan people resemble the

skeletal remains of the Sangoen,

who were the original occupiers

of Southern Africa.


The Sangoens was a presence dating

back to the Late Stone Age 

or Upper paleolithic, if you want

to be more scientific),  between

50,000 to 10, 000 years ago.

This period was that when humans

moved from simple to more complex thinking: demonstrating abstract thinking, establishing cultural foundations and religious beliefs, using large animal to their advantage, and creating advanced artwork and technological innovations (to name a few changes). But, most important to our modern evolution, was/is our rapid ability to adapt to our environment and/or situations (like when the weather changed, drying the Sahara, for example). These changes within our behaviour is known as "Behavioral Modernity." These abilities are how our species bypassed the Neanderthal.

In other words, we got smarter, more creative and thought/ planned for beyond the now.




of the




in South








up to



in the


Interestingly, the name "San" is considered derogatory, as it identifies our Bushmen relatives as "outsiders" per ethnic relatives... I guess how family members move to the city and are embarrassed by those who stayed home; you know, like the city cousin vs the country cousin - even though they are descendants of the same grandparents.

Here's the joke, one can run all one chooses: one can call another "outsider;" make fun of him/her; separate one self from "the other" all one wishes,(do any of those behaviours sound familiar (some US/British rhetoric) but one CANNOT escape the fact that we are of one family!

Or haven't you heard? The Bushmen have been considered a possible source for the female DNA lineage - the legendary Mitochondrial Eve - evidence of a lineage running along our female line, linking us all to the first female on the planet. ALL of us from one, first, mother! And like many indigenous people throughout our history, the Bushmen face their removal from their - OUR! - ancestral land and struggle for cultural survival.

Must we CONTINUE to make the same mistakes: de-valuing thus disrespecting our original people? BECAUSE WE ARE IGNORANT???

DOES Africa look twice the size of
South America?
DOES Africa look THREE TIMES the size of Europe?
DOES Africa
look Slightly BIGGER than North America?
"A Bushman who gave us an exhibition of traditional dress and hunting/foraging behavior. Namibia."
Ian Beatty from Amherst, MA, USA  May 31, 2006

You have heard this all before. You may have simply chosen to ignore it. Or, maybe you plan to make a change but have been unable thus far... maybe you just don't know HOW to get started.


Well hang on there. This article is here to help you.

No more Tom Foolery for you. Time to get started!


While you read this, take this second and make a pact with yourself to STOP. Right here, right now. You vow to stop treating your body like a human garbage disposal or the latest gadget to misuse - all the while expecting it to: Just. Keep. Working. Well.


Why make the pact? The two expectations don't balance. EVENTUALLY, your brilliant, beautifully functioning machine will break. And, if you don't do all you can to maintain it, YOU are at fault for it's early demise - not the corporation selling you the junk it is selling you for profit. Not the humans capitalizing on your ignorance, time restrictions, or just plain confusion around WHAT to do - but you.

YIKES! Who wants THAT responsibility?

And if it is not bad enough YOU are injuring yourself by eating poorly, if you have children and are feeding them the following - check out the list below - YOU are damaging their little machines, too. Are you setting your kids up for disease because it's "easier" NOT to think about it? Come on, now. You know better than that.

How to get started? 

3 things your are going to do IMMEDIATELY.

  1. EMPTY your cupboards and refrigerator of ALL PROCESSED FOODS. Yes that means canned foods, too!! Don't fool yourself because that jar says All Natural - it has undergone the very UNnatural process of being manufactured. Commercial pasta sauces (for example) can contain enough fat, salt and sugar to make them pretty unhealthy. Balance that with the fact some of them contain very little fiber and your nutritious, convenient, meal starts to look like unwholesome fast food.

  2. Rid your self of UNnatural cooking items - YES! that means the nonstick pan you depend upon so much AS WELL as those CUTE!!! vibrant coloured, silicone/plastic spatulas you recently purchased. "Although most people will probably not have a problem with silicone cookware, those with chemical sensitivities might want to stay away until more definitive research has been conducted" You should not eat food from a melted plastic bowl. Many plastics have harmful chemicals in them that can leach out into food if they are heated or especially if they are melted. Best to throw out that food says, one

  3. Commit to vegetables, nuts, grains! HALF Of YOUR plate must be vegetables! What th' what?? Get your "Nutrient of Concern -" fiber; found ONLY in plants seeds and nuts!!


There. You've Said it...
Now What Are You Gonna DO about it?
Watch this video.
Understand your body better!
6 Cancer Causing Foods
you MUST STOP EATING, right now!

Gatherings this season have had one thing in common, a delicious,

thirst quenching,  glass of Prosecco!

Now some of you might wonder, haven't we done this, arlready?

Well, you know the saying, "You can't keep a good drink down!"

Try this yummie Summer Spritzer:

3 parts prosecco, 2 parts Aperol, 1 part Club Soda... if you like  it a "little less," add more club soda!


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